In the verdant fields of the Ararat mountains, near the small village of Mashar (Uzengili), a unique project is taking shape. Spearheaded by, in collaboration with locals, the project aims to create a hiking path, picnic areas, benches, and viewing platforms in an area believed to be near the site of the biblical Noah’s Ark (The Durupinar Noah’s ark boat formation).
The project’s primary objective is to establish designated pathways leading to the Ark site, replete with informative signage. This initiative is designed to protect the locals’ wheat and hay fields from being trampled by curious visitors and for the safety of the tourists due to the many ravines and crevasses in the area. The plan also includes the installation of benches, providing a tranquil spot for visitors to relax and soak in the breathtaking views. Check out our interactive 3D map on our website here as well.
Come volunteer to assist with the project! Sign up on this website and come visit us this summer (July and August).